City Guide: Vollen, Norway


In our city guide series, we chose to meet with Jacqueline and Hanne, owners of Herligheten, a lovely womenswear concept store in Vollen, Norway. They took the time to tell us more about their shop as well as their favorite places in town.


Can you tell us something about your neighbourhood? You’re located quite close to Oslo – what kind of town is Vollen?

Our neighbourhood is fantastic! Vollen is a small place near the Oslo fjords, 20 km from Oslo. You can reach us by car, boat, bus… or you can just walk. The small town center has old wooden houses from the 19th century. It’s a lovely place.

Please tell us where you got the name Herligheten (we may have an idea!) and what the philosophy of your store is?

Herligheten means “heerlijkheid” in Dutch, which is “magnificence” in English. People just say it when they enter our shop: “Herlig!” We started our shop nearly twelve years ago. At that time, we had two sewing machines and we made all our clothes by ourselves; dresses, skirts, coats, knitted hats,… We even made jewellery. The shop was like a little chicken-coop without insulation. We got so many visitors at one point that the stairs broke. So we moved to a bigger place. Then, we got more popular and we moved into an even bigger house in Vollen center.

What are the 5 best places you would recommend in your neighborhood?
The beach of course!
Vollen Marina: A small harbour for visitors with a ferry from May until November. You can buy fresh fish and shrimps directly from a fisherman on Thursdays and Fridays.
Vito's: Our favourite Italian restaurant!
Kafe Oscar: Old fashioned Norwegian bakery with the most beautiful view of the Oslo Fjord.
Little England: An English tea room just across the road - cozy place with lovely food.

What are the first 3 thoughts that come to your mind when you hear the brand name Bellerose?

Beautiful colours and materials, nostalgic, playful.

What sentimental relationship do you have with Bellerose (if any)? 

Each time I am back in Belgium, I visit a Bellerose shop and buy something. I love it! I’m happy to be the only retailer of Bellerose Women in Norway. I’m proud of this Belgian brand - yes!

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