City guide: Ghent, Belgium

In our city guide series, we chose to meet with multibrand store Twiggy’s owners in Ghent, Belgium. They took the time to tell us more about their story as a long time player on the Ghent fashion scene, as well as their favorite places in town.


Can you tell us something about your neighbourhood? 

We are located near the historical center, easily accessible (underground parking spaces available), away from hectic shopping streets, surrounded by cozy terraces, bars and coffee shops.

Please tell us where you got the name Twiggy (although we may have an idea) and what the philosophy of your concept store is. 

Twiggy opened in 1974, while the career of Twiggy as a model was booming; Twiggy is not considered as a concept store but more like an inspiring universe where we create unique silhouettes through personal advice and a complete, eclectic and exclusive choice of brands set in an original, award-winning building.

What are the 5 best places in your neighbourhood? 

Alberte: an authentic local bar & eatery
Aperto Chiuso: one of Ghent’s best Italian restaurants
Eva Bos: local clothing, shoes & accessories designer
Bar Bidon: a great spot to get coffee, breakfast… and bicycles)
Portus Ganda: inner city harbor, where the rivers Scheldt & Ley come together

What are the first 3 thoughts that come to your mind when you hear the brand name Bellerose?

Authentic, easy-to-wear, cool 

What sentimental relationship does your store have with Bellerose? 

Bellerose and Twiggy share the same basic philosophy and the brand is a good addition to our selection.

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